Allergies and Asthma

You can have the cleanest home imaginable, yet your home can covered in the House Hold Dust Mite. The dust mite is a microscopic relative of the spider which lives in mattresses, duvets and pillows. This pest lives off dead human skin cells. Its excretions can trigger the breathing problems and skin disorders that bring misery to millions of people every day, especially children, who are often particularly vulnerable.

It is now commonly acknowledged that allergen exposure in the home is one of the most common stimulants of asthma and other allergy related problems. Section 2 below gives some helpful information on dust mites, one of the primary causes of these problems.

1. Adrenal Functions

Adrenal function can also play a part in allergies. The adrenals are your interface with the world of stress, both internal and external. The Adrenals need a plentiful supply of minerals and vitamins to help them function. Working out the correct ratio of vitamins and minerals you need as an individual is not always straight forward. The easiest thing to do is avoid foods that eat up these vital nutrients.

2. Dust Mites

Centrally heated homes provide the perfect environment for the household dust mite, a major cause of allergy problems, to flourish. You can have the cleanest home imaginable, yet your home can be covered with this pest. The dust mite is a microscopic relative of the spider and it lives in mattresses, duvets and pillows.

The household dust mite lives off dead human skin cells. Its excretions can trigger the breathing problems and skin disorders that bring misery to millions of people every day, especially children, who are often particularly vulnerable. It is now commonly acknowledged that allergen exposure in the home is one of the most common stimulants of asthma and other allergy related problems. Centrally heated homes provide the perfect environment for the household dust mite to flourish. A single mattress can hold up to two million mites, each one feeding on human skin scales and excreting pollen sized allergens. These allergens can trigger asthma, eczema, psoriasis, sneezing, sore eyes, runny nose and general fatigue. Once the delicate tissues of the nose or lungs have become irritated the symptoms can last all day, triggered by strong smells, cold air and air conditioning. The female dust mite can lay up to 50 eggs a day and, after only a year, up to 10% of the weight of a pillow and mattress can be due to this house hold pest. The dust mite is almost impossible to eradicate.

3. Things you can do to help:

In the home:

  • Clean surfaces with a damp cloth. This ensures that the dead skin cells are picked up
  • Air your bed every day
  • Use a ‘dust free’ vacuum cleaner and vacuum the mattress once a week
  • Wash or dry-clean your pillows and duvet regularly (washing temperature has to be 60 or above to be effective)
  • Use a ‘mite’ barrier i.e. Allerbreathe pillow and mattress cover or similar. Allerbreathe is a protective pillow cover and bed sheet which stops the skin cells reaching the mite. It is machine washable and gets softer in use. It is moisture permeable and allows body heat to pass through

With your lifestyle:

  • Avoid drinking tea and coffee for a week.
  • Cut out all sugars from your diet
  • Increase your intake of raw fruit and veg.
  • Cut out all soft drinks ie colas, sodas & etc.
  • Stop using washing powders that contain enzymes or bleach.
  • Increase your mineral water intake.
  • Have a healthy diet (Please see dieting section)


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